Friday, July 17, 2009

A New Sketchbook Project

Well, just what I needed, another project . . . but maybe it is. I never seem to make the time to post unless I give myself a deadline or an event of some sort. So I signed up for The Arthouse Gallery's latest Sketchbook Project Vol. 4 .

They assign you the topic of your sketchbook, which I was concerned about, but I got "Postcards" as my theme. I can work with that. I'll be ding the picture on one side, and the "postcard message" on the other. A bit challenging for using watercolor, because the paper is pretty thin, but that's the plan for right now.

So following is my first entry. I won't probably post them all, but I have to return the book by early December, so I'm going to try and crank them out.

Wish me luck, and enjoy.